Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ok, today is another day....can you tell I like variety? I can't help it, I just don't like to stick to any one's a curse in a way. I think that kinda runs with creativity though, don't you think? I kinda sank back into my doll making but today I experimented with beading....this little doll was time consuming but oh so worth it....I loved creating her.


Flor Larios Art said...

I can see...lots of works... I like the beading around her face. Great doll!

We Blog Artists said...

So pretty...I love browsing through your posts...I have many favourites amongst your creations...and thank you for your kind comments on my blog :-)

purplecat said...

Yeh I just had fun making dolls, they as so great to do aren't they- great job!

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

Love the beads and the material is so pretty-She's great!

Krissy said...

Hello! How funny to hear you say that about variety. I just finished a little clay doll because I felt I needed something different. I guess change is in the air! Your doll is absolutely wonderful!